
Department of Science and Implementation

The Department of Science and Implementation is responsible for increasing the intellectual potential of the university, its branches and other structural divisions in terms of training scientific and pedagogical personnel, ensures the efficiency of postgraduate students, doctoral students in the specialty (PhD) and applicants in departments and faculties, searches for ways to stimulate the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations on time, implements this in practice and coordinates the work of doctoral studies in the specialty (PhD). The Department also ensures the organization of technology parks, laboratories and the conduct of research work in the process of studying disciplines and involving students and teachers in innovative, creative thinking, organizing creative circles for self-improvement of professional knowledge at the level of departments and faculties.

Since the establishment of the Higher Technological College of Light and Food Industry of Tajikistan (now the Technological University of Tajikistan), the Department of Science and Implementation was created in its structure, which was headed by Nadzhmiddinov S.Kh., holding the position of vice-rector for science and international relations. Then in 1992, PhD, Associate Professor S.B. Ashurov was first appointed Vice-Rector for Science, and then Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Work.

In the 1993-94 academic year, the faculty of the university had already accumulated sufficient scientific potential and there was a need to present this potential. To achieve this goal, PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Shoev was appointed Vice-Rector for Science, and in 1994, there was a need to publish the “Collection of Scientific Papers of TUT” twice a year. This initiative was aimed at raising the status of science in the activities of the university and its employees so that teachers, especially young specialists, had the opportunity to publish their scientific articles in this collection and lay the foundation for their professional development as future scientists.

In 1995-1997, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor Li I.N. served as Vice-Rector for Science. From 1997 to 2000, Doctor of Economics, Professor Usmonova T.J. served as Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations.

In order to intensify activities in the field of training scientific personnel, a postgraduate program was opened at the university on November 1, 1999. And the university teachers, primarily young specialists, had the opportunity to take part in classes on the subjects “Foreign Language”, “Philosophy” and take candidate exams (minimums) in these subjects directly at the university. Over the past years, dozens of postgraduate students and applicants have taken advantage of this opportunity.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Azizov B.S. served as Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations from 2000 to 2009.

From 2009 to 2019, the position of Vice-Rector for Science and Implementation was held by PhD, Acting Professor Khakimov G.K. The Technological University of Tajikistan, in accordance with the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, since 2016 began accepting applicants for doctoral studies in the specialty (PhD) in 10 specialties.

From February 1, 2019 to the present, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Agrarian Education Gaforov A.A. holds the position of Vice-Rector for Science and Implementation.

The Department of Science and Implementation consists of the following structural divisions:

Department of Research and Development and Training of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel;

  • Master’s Department;
  • Dissertation Council;
  • Scientific Library;
  • Technological and Innovation Park “Fanovar”.