History of the university


The Technological University of Tajikistan is the same age as the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. In September 2020, the university celebrates its 30th anniversary.

The Technological University of Tajikistan was formed by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR from September 20, 1990 No. 207 as the Technology Higher College of Tajikistan, and in 1991 by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR from July 29, 1991 No. 530 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Tajik SSR from September 29, 1991 No. 266 it was transformed into the Technological Institute of Light and Food Industries. Then, in 1993, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 80, from February 19, 1993, it was transformed into the Technological University of Tajikistan.

Despite its youth, the Technological University of Tajikistan is one of the leaders of educational institutions of higher professional education of the Republic of Tajikistan. It strives to realize the goals of the state strategy in the field of education, and is also focused on improving its status in the global educational space.

The Technological University of Tajikistan is the only university in the Republic of Tajikistan that trains competitive specialists in the field of light and food industries.

The University of Technology of Tajikistan is one of two pilot universities that began the transition to a credit education system. In 2005 the students of two faculties of the university – engineering – economics and international faculty began to study on credit technology. During the past years, the university has accumulated a lot of experience in credit technology and currently all educational and methodological provisions for training in credit technology has been developed. The University has a Consultation and Registration Center, which accumulates information about the entire student learning path from admission to graduation. The activities of the Center are fully automated, and the necessary information is issued promptly. Intermediate and final exams are taken in the form of a computer test.

Training with higher and postgraduate education is carried out at 8 faculties in 41 undergraduate specialties, 36 master’s specialties and in 8 areas of doctoral PhD. TUT is one of the first universities of the republic, which over the years has been phasing in the implementation of the main provisions of the Bologna process. In 2005-2006 academic years, the work on the implementation of educational programs on the credit system of education was begun and today the university has achieved many practical results, both in mandatory and optional and recommendatory parameters of the Bologna process, such as:

Three-level system of higher education;

Academic mobility of students and teachers;

Quality control of higher education;

Active involvement of students in the formation of educational programs, the Organization of the educational process and social work;

Lifelong, distance and e-learning education.

Educational programs are developed in accordance with state educational standards of the Republic of Tajikistan. Educational plans of specialties consist of compulsory and elective disciplines. At TUT classes are held in Tajik, Russian and English.

During its existence, TUT has prepared more than 12,500 highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the national economy of which more than 600 students graduated with honors.

Currently, the university has 280 teachers, including 22 doctors and 120 candidates of sciences. The degree of PTS is 50.7%. Out of the total number of teaching staff, 210 (75%) are full-time employees, of which 108 people have the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences.

More than 5884 students study at the university (on September 10, 2019), of which 4442 (75.4%) are full-time students, 176 (3.0%) are masters students, 1266 students (21.5%) are students studying by correspondence and distance form.

In December 2013, the Technological University of Tajikistan was recognized by the Interfax Agency as the only university in the Republic of Tajikistan to be included as the best in the 200 universities of the CIS countries. As a result of monitoring by the Interfax Agency among the 400 best universities of the CIS countries TUT took 151th place.

According to the results of the ranking of multidisciplinary universities, TUT ranks first in the National Rating of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan, 13th place in 2016, and 10th in 2018, which characterizes the continuous growth of the TUT ranking among higher education institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The university has 8 faculties, 19 departments, 3 centers, it also has the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in Kulob, a branch of the university in Isfara, a gymnasium in Kulob and the innovative lyceum Dushanbe.

The necessary infrastructure of the educational process has been created at TUT. 133 classrooms were provided, including 26 lecture halls, 25 computer classes, 17 laboratories and 65 classrooms for practical and seminar classes. The number of places at the university is 3380, of which 1815 are places for lecture classes, 625 for practical classes, 598 for computer classes and 342 for laboratory classes. At the university, all laboratories are equipped with the necessary modern equipment, as well as 54 university classrooms equipped with multimedia technologies (electronic boards and projectors). Currently, more than 900 computers, 247 printers, 94 projectors, 64 electronic boards, 43 scanners and 20 copy machines are used in the training process.

International cooperation is carried out on the basis of more than 70 signed agreements with foreign universities, research centers and other scientific organizations of 25 countries of Europe, East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Korea, China, the CIS countries. The geography of academic mobility of teachers and students covers Italy, Spain, India, China, Korea, Ukraine, Poland, the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Portugal, Slovakia and other countries.

The Technological University of Tajikistan takes an active part in international programs and projects, such as Erasmus Mundus; Erasmus +; Giz; JICA; WTIT; The World Bank; ITS UNDP; Agahan Foundation, UESCO, LOEO, ITEC, etc.