Educational department


Head of the Education Department
+992 (37) 234 08 18
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Department of Education

The tasks and objectives of the Department of Education are aimed at the purposeful organization of the educational process at the university by determining the directions, main stages, problems of education and achieving a high level of quality of education.

The Department of Education is the main authority for conducting professional examinations and organizing the educational process of teachers, departments and faculties of the university on the basis of regulatory and legal documents in the field of higher education.

To achieve this goal, the Department of Education:

– determines the total set of educational subjects for each academic year based on approved programs for each specialty and direction of the university, and based on this information, controls the staffing of departments and faculties;

– determines the basic standards for the staffing of departments in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and legal documents and ensures their direct implementation;

– develops a plan for the publication of educational and methodological manuals together with the departments.
– determines the terms of holding periodic sessions and establishing periodic and state examination commissions for professional expertise and monitors the requirements of regulatory and legal documents in the field of vocational education for their activities;
– monitors the implementation of modern technologies in the educational process in accordance with approved programs.