Educational and Methodological Department

Zarifbekov Marodbek Shirinbekovich

Head of the educational and methodological office
(+992)936-00-13-76, (+992 37) 2345870
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Educational and Methodological Department

The Educational and Methodological Department, as a structural unit of the Tajik Technological University, is responsible for implementing a unified policy of training qualified specialists in the field of engineering and technology, economists in various industrial sectors, specialists in computer and information and communication technology, metrology and standardization, who are trained at the Tajik Technological University, and mobilizes the staff and students of the Tajik Technological University and its structural units in the lyceum and branches to achieve the above-mentioned strategic goals. In carrying out the above-mentioned tasks, the educational and methodological department takes into account and directly implements the regulatory and legal documents adopted by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Higher Professional Education and Post-Higher Professional Education”, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Education”, the National Concept of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Model Regulations of the Higher Professional Education Institution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Charter, Resolutions of the Academic Council, orders and orders of the Rector of the Technological University of Tajikistan and other documents related to higher education.

In the process of carrying out the tasks arising from the training of specialists of the new era, taking into account the solution of strategic issues of the educational process, this department first of all develops the program and State Educational Standards depending on the qualification requirements and mastering the curriculum of subjects, and submits them for approval and approval to the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan. Taking into account the world experience in training specialists, the Educational and Methodological Department is engaged in the development and implementation of the concept of step-by-step coordination of obtaining professional knowledge based on the credit system and a set of approved documents on this subject, and offers a unified monitoring, analysis and assessment to regulate the assessment of the activities of students, teachers, department heads and faculty deans at the department and faculty level. The Educational and Methodological Department, together with the structures of educational and propaganda work, the Center for Computer and Educational Technologies and the Center for Professional Development, ensure the direct fulfillment of mutual obligations of students, teachers, department heads and faculty deans, and in this process ensure the achievement of innovative development goals of the Tajik Technological University. The Educational and Methodological Department is responsible for implementing a unified system for the performance of official duties, self-improvement and creativity, and provides competitive conditions for assessing the activities of each participant in a single pedagogical process. The Educational and Methodological Department is responsible for organizing and conducting expert analysis of syllabi, short courses of subject lectures, and lesson plans based on approved programs, ensuring compliance with the requirements of a set of regulatory and legal documents in this process, and ensuring timely and high-quality printing of a set of educational and methodological materials and their use at the level of faculties and academic disciplines.

The Educational and Methodological Department studies a unified system for conducting analytical analyses and monitoring the quality of classes, assessing professional knowledge, etc., taking into account the staged achievements of students, and in this process develops and implements professional profiles depending on specialties and trends.

In order to implement the tasks assigned to the Educational and Methodological Department, departments are established to work with unified university structures at the department and faculty level, assess the quality of education, conduct periodic monitoring and analytical analyses, develop and implement student educational programs, etc., the activities of each of which are outlined in the Regulations of this department.