The Department of Standards and Educational Programs is responsible for the implementation of state policy in the field of education, training, development and analysis of state standards of higher professional education, educational programs, teaching and methodological complex, analysis of educational issues and improving the content of education.
The main tasks of the department are:
– Development of curricula and standards for new specialties in accordance with the State Standards of Higher Professional Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, taking into account the peculiarities of the training of specialists and their preparation for licensing and accreditation;
– Providing legal and educational and normative documents to the university department during the opening and implementation of the main educational programs of higher professional education (undergraduate and graduate programs);
– Monitoring the organization of the educational process at the university for the main educational programs of higher professional education (undergraduate and graduate level) in strict accordance with the license of the Technological University of Tajikistan for educational activities;
– Carries out constant monitoring of the development of end-to-end programs of professional practices and the progress of final state certification in terms of reflecting basic and professional competencies in them;
– Organizes the work on registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the appropriate structural units of the university of documents of the current paperwork for the department;
– Collects, analyzes and submits information (external and internal) relating to the implementation of the basic educational programs of higher education (undergraduate, graduate) in accordance with the university’s license for educational activities and state accreditation certificates;
– Conducts correspondence with the educational departments of the university, with state institutions on licensing, accreditation;
– Timely, in the prescribed manner, transfers to the university archive the department’s documentation, which has a storage period.