Center for Training, Certification and Innovation Development

NAZARDZODA Rustam Saidmurad

Head of the Center for Training, Certification and Innovation Development
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The Training, Certification and Innovation Development Center is a structural unit of the Tajik Technological University and is subordinate to the Department of Implementation of Innovative Strategies and Technologies.

The Training, Certification and Innovation Development Center organizes and conducts short and long-term courses in the following areas and disciplines (according to the license) for a wide range of students at different levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) in a face-to-face (direct participation, offline) and online (distance, online) mode:

Information and communication technologies: using the Ms Office suite of office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point); working with Internet services (search engines, e-mail, learning portals, etc.); programming in Python, C++, C#, Java and other languages; Cisco network technology; computer graphics and design; website and web application development; repair, diagnostics and maintenance of computer and household appliances, electronic equipment and computer networks;
robotics and mechatronics;
foreign languages ​​(Russian, English, German, Chinese, Korean);
accounting (1C: Accounting, 1C: Enterprise);
economic statistics, business plan, business analysis and hotel business;
catering, preparation of salads and confectionery;
clothing design and sewing, folk crafts and entrepreneurship, fashion shows and shows;
quality management in the field of light industry, standardization and certification of light industry products;
subtests of centralized entrance exams (within the framework of the educational materials of the National Testing Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan),

Training courses related to various aspects of information and communication technologies are organized at the elementary (beginner), intermediate (integrator) and advanced (innovator) levels.

The duration of the training courses is 1, 3 and 6 months, and upon successful completion, the trainees are issued a state-level document – a certificate.

The number of trainees in the training courses is 12-15 people, and depending on the wishes of the trainees and the organization of groups, training is conducted in Tajik, Russian and English.

Short-term training courses are paid, and the cost of training per trainee is determined depending on the duration of the training courses and the level of training of the trainees in agreement with the Antimonopoly Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The Training, Certification and Innovation Development Center includes the Cisco Academy, the SoftLab laboratory, the Mechatronics laboratory and a support point in the village of Kangurt: