Mirzoev Shokir

Head of education department

E-mail: Shakiri_-90@mail.ru

Теl: (+992) 918 58 41 98


The main task of the educational department is the organization and management of the educational process in accordance with the approved curricula, programs and documents that regulate the educational process of full-time and distance learning forms, analysis and accounting of the teaching load of university teachers, accounting for staffing of faculty.

To achieve this goal, the training department:

 – determines the total number of academic subjects for each academic year on the basis of approved programs in each specialty and area and prepares for approval the staffing of the departments;
– defines the main criteria for calculating the personnel of the training department, depending on the requirements of regulatory documents and ensures their implementation;
– together with the departments develops a plan for the publication of textbooks and methodological developments;
– development and implementation of scientifically based criteria for assessing the quality of the educational process and the training of specialists, analysis of the progress and results of intermediate grades of ratings and examination sessions;
– monitors the implementation of modern technologies in the educational process in accordance with the approved curriculum.