The Tajik language department was created in September 1990 under the structure of the Technological University of Tajikistan, headed by Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Kosimov Olimzhon Khabibovich. In 1997-2001, the head of the department was the doctor of philological sciences, professor Vosiev Kurbon Vosievich, and in September 2001 he was appointed state adviser to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2001, on the basis of this department, the Department of the Tajik Language and Humanities was created, and its candidate was the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor. Odinaev Nurmuhammad Safarovich. From 2008 to 2014, the Tajik language discipline was included in the structure of the Department of Philosophy and Professional Education, and its leader was Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor Niyozi Yormuhammad Bobo. In 2014, the department received the department of information linguistics, the department was awarded the title of Tajik language and information linguistics, and its head was associate professor Odinaev Nurmukhammad Safarovich. From 2017 to the present, only the Tajik language discipline is taught at the department.





Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Теl:2-50-15-35(х), 93-445-33-44





Tajik language according to the specialty Scientific interests:Persian literary theories of Persian

Register  Scientific and methodical work  Odinayev Nurmahmad Safarovich

  1. Shahin Echo Poetry in Glazah Criticism Conference Proceedings of the 160th Meeting of the 160th Shamsiddin Shakhina, "Rech", No. 6, 2018, 45-52.
  2. Tajik Language Writing 2019, Dushanbe, Irfon, 208 p.
  3. Looking for Issues and Reproduction Monday, Knowledge, 2018, 272 p.

4.Tajik language textbook for non- language students.Dushanbe, 2019.-217p



Nurova Kybriyo Alifovna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel: 985-19-08-60




The subject of study

- Tajik language

Scientific interests: Literature. The artistic and aesthetic features of the Faizian staple.

Methodical manual

  1. The monograph on "Artistic and aesthetic features of the Douzi Dzhezi" - Dushanbe: Press, 2013, 211 p.
  2. Instruction for students. Dushanbe: Irfon, 2007, p.140. Odinaev NS, Olimova PN, Tursunova M.U.
  3. A set of exercises in Tajik language. Training manual for independent work of credit groups. M. Sharifov, Z. Khamrakulova. Dushanbe: LLC Er-Graph, 2010, 95 p.
  4. A set of exercises in Tajik language. Training manual for independent work of credit groups. M. Sharifov, Z. Khamrakulova. Dushanbe: LLC Er-Graph, 2010, 95 p.
  5. Textbook «Tajik language» (For the field of information technologies). Dushanbe: Kamol Publication, 2015, 200 p.
  6. Methodical instructions on performance of independent work. Monday: DTT, 2018, 55 p.
  7. Methodical instructions from Tajik to perform independent work. Dushanbe: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, 2019, 117 p.
  8. Tajik Language. Textbook for Tajik language for non-linguistic students. Odinayev NS, Nurova KA, Khamrokulova Z, Eshonova M. Dushanbe: The Print House Media. 2019, 217 c.



Khojamurodov Olimjon Hamroevich

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Tеl. 915 -70-28-75

E-mail: Khojamurodov @




The subject of study

- Tajik language

Methodical manual:

  1. Poetics of Sadeca Hedayat. Dushanbe: “Knowledge” - 1991. 150 p.
  2. Prose of Iranian Persian intellectuals in the twentieth century (genre poetry). Dushanbe: Center of Iranian Studies - 2003. 250 p.
  3. Hadeate and modern prose Afghanistan. t 2. M: - 1988
  4. The Great Alawi and his novel "Gillamard" // The Voice of the East, 1994 No. 5-8.
  5. Opinion of Sodiq Hidoyat / Sodiq Guido // Voice of the East, 1998, No. 1-6.
  6. Mashruta Treaty Publications. Dushanbe: “Devashtych” - First 2000 offices. (textbook for the Faculty of Oriental Studies)
  7. Summary of Persian words. Second edition, with revision revision. Dushanbe: Er-Graf. 2010. 80 p.
  8. Cultural Studies (Theoretical Lesson Summary) Dushanbe: Irfon, 2011. 140 p.
  9. Malikushshua Spring // The Voice of the East. 2013, No. 1
  10. Loiq Sherali and “New Poetry of Iran” // Message from the Tajik National University. Philology Series. 2013. No. 4/3.
  11. Some Considerations on the Main Processes of Persian Poetry in the 20th Century // Speech (Science Magazine) 2013,№ 1.
  12. Lohuti and Farrukh Yazdi's poets fighting the famous Iranian Iran // Eastern literary and cultural relations (collection of articles). Khujand: Publisher, 2014.
  13. Peromuma of the Writing of the Great Rakhnavard Zareb // Important Issues in the History and Culture of Afghanistan (collection of articles) Dushanbe, 2014.
  14. Reality and Artistic Destiny in the "Hatred of the Earth" story by Jalal Ali Ahmad // News of the AS RT. Department of Social Sciences. 2015 No. 3 (239).
  15. Peculiarities of the Poetry of the "Madrasah Director" Jalal Ali Ahmad // Speech (Science Magazine) 2015. No.
  16. The prose of Persian intellectuals. Tehran: Publishing house "Rohgor", 1394 B.C. (2016 m). 284 c. (in Persian).
  17. Transaction Literature of Iran (textbook for oriental students). Tehran: Editor's Day. 1394 h. E (2016) 86 p. (in Persian)
  18. The Characteristics of Writing Bahmanyor // A Poet by Sarmadade. Talk about Bahmanyar (article collection). Dushanbe: Irfon. 2017.
  19. Khayyam from Sodiq Hidid's View // Science and Society (Academic Scientific Journal). 2017, No. 2 (6).
  20. The True Guidance. Bluff (Selected Monument). Designer and lead author Olimjon Khodzhamurodov. Dushanbe: “Knowledge”, 2017. 188 p.
  21. In the breadth of literature (collection of articles). Dushanbe: Knowledge. 2018. 340 c.
  22. Mirzoda Ishqi - poet and revolutionary poet // Message from Tajik National University. Journal of Science. Department of Philological Sciences, 2018. No. 8 part 1. S. 99-104.
  23. Side Right Side Tips For Sidebar and Alphabet Problems // Science and Society. Journal of Academic Science. 2019 No. 1 (14). Pp. 51-59.


Hamroqulova Zebunniso Usmonovna

Senior Lecturer

Tel: 919-28-70-15





Tаught subjects:

-Tajik language

Scintific  direction:  literature. Тheory and criticism of poetry in Sher-ul-Ajam» Shibli Nomani 

 Scintific - methodical  works:

  1. Preparation a scientific dissertation  on theme «Тheory and criticism of poetry in Sher-ul-Ajam» Shibli Nomani.
  2. Shibli Nomani . «Sher-ul-Ajam». 4th (Arrangement from the Arabic gaphic to the Cyrillic alphabet with a dictionary and comments ). Dushanbe, 2018.-309p.
  3. Shibli Nomani-persian poet. Dushanbe //Message from the Tajik National University. Philology Series. 2019. No. 4/4.207-213р
  4. Antology a valuable soursce of the Dushanbe //Message from the Tajik tecnological University. Philology Series. 2018. No. 1/1.114-118р.
  5. Imagination and its essence with point vision Shibli.Dushanbe, //Message from the Tajik National University. Philology Series.  No. 4/5.209-308-312р .
  6. Shibli Nomani and his views on poetry. Dushanbe, //Message from the Tajik National University. Philology Series. No. 4/4.209-358-362р .
  7. Mavlono Abdurrahman Jamies favorite Poems. Dushanbe Knowledge. 2018.-309p.
  8. Tajik language textbook for non- language students.Dushanbe, 2019.-217p.
  9. Methodolojical working  for individual student work. Dushanbe, 2019.-116p.
  10. Fundamentals of Installation Manual Hamrokulova ZU 2016, Dushanbe: Irfon. 196 p.
  11. A set of exercises in Tajik language for individual student work.  



Eshonova Mutribakhon  Asadkhonovna

Senior Teacher

Tel: 989-03-64-64




The subject of study

-Tajik language

Scientific interests: "Theoretical and practical aspects of the rationality of creation of Mirzo Tursunzade"

Methodical manual

  1. Development of a thesis on the subject "Theoretical and practical aspects of the rationality of creation of Mirzo Tursunzade" -2019.
  2. Tajik language (textbook for Tajik language students of non-linguistic faculties) Odinaev NS, Nurova KA, Hamrokulova ZU, Eshonova MA Monday 2019.-217 p.m.
  3. Methodical instructions (from the Tajik language for independent work) Dushanbe "DTT" 2019. 52 p.
  4. Instructional Guide (for curators of the academic groups). Dushanbe “DTT” 2019. 150 pages

Scientific materials

  1. Eshonova M. National aspects in the “Hassan Arbakesh” pozhm Mirzo Tursunzoda / M. Eshonova // News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Department of Social Sciences. Dushanbe, 2013. No. 5. S. 106 (in Tajik).
  2. Eshonova M. Elements of colloquial speech in the poetry of Mirzo Tursunzode / M. Eshonova // News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Department of Social Sciences. Dushanbe, 2014. No. 2. S. 104 (in Tajik).
  3. Eshonova M.A. The image and character in the poem "Hassan arbakesh" Mirzo Tursunzade / M.A. Eshonova // Bulletin of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics. Khujand, 2014.-No4 (60) P.248 (in Tajik).
  4. Eshonova M.A. The image of the national aspects of the image of the mother in the poetry of Mirzo Tursunzade / M.A. Eshonova // Scientific notes of the Khujand State University. B. Gafurova. Khujand, 2014. No. 4 (41). S.100-103 (in Tajik).



Majnunov Abdualim Abduаkimovich

Candidate of  Philological  Sciences ,Senior Teacher

Tel: 93-564-81-28




The subject of study

Tajik language

Scientific interests: Literary studies. Marcia in the folklore of modern Tajik poetry. 

Scintific - methodical  works:

  1. Tajik language (textbook for Tajik students of non-linguistic faculties). // Mazhnunov A.A., Sultonmamadova U.A., Shukurova Z.T.// Dushanbe, Irfon, 2019.100 s.
  2. Independent work tools in Tajik for distance learning students. Dushanbe: Er-

Graf.2019.140 s. Odinaev N.S., Mazhnunov A.A.



Tursunova Maksad Umarovna

Senior Teacher

Tel: 919-32-32-95

E-mail:  tursunova-20



The subject of study

- Tajik language

Scientific interests: Linguistics. The Role of Vocabulary in Nouns and Quality.

Methodical manual

  1. Reflection of the youthful character in A. Shahir Firdavsi's certificate.
  2. The "Abyssinia" of Abokhir Tartusi, the first book. Monday 1994;
  3. “Lahore Literary Circle and the Tajik Literary Fame” Dushanbe 1998;
  4. Lessons from the state of Ardasheri Babacon, Journal «Shohrokh Vohdat» №7, 2000;
  5. Joseph and Zuleiho, Heroic Regulation, TRUCK WHO X, Dushanbe 2004;
  6. Guidelines and Practices for Training Official Documents, Dushanbe, Irfon 2006;

7. album the photos  S. Aini, Dushanbe, Irfon, 2005;8.      Documentation Studies and Practice Guide, Dushanbe 2007;9.      Government Guide for Official Professional Interests in the e-Government Implementation. Monday, Irfon 2014, 64 p.10.  Methodical manual "Some peculiarities of the Tajik language for students of light industry" Dushanbe, Irfon, 2015, 20 p.

Scientific and methodical work:

  1. Methodical instructions on performance of independent work. Dushanbe, DTT, 2018, 55 p.

  2. Methodical instructions from Tajik to perform independent work. Dushanbe: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, 2019, 117 p.

  3. Tajik Language. Textbook for Tajik language for non-linguistic students. Odinayev NS, Nurova KA, Khamrokulova Z, Eshonova M. Dushanbe: The Print House Media. 2019, 217 c.

  4. Preparation a scientific dissertation  on theme «Тheory and criticism of poetry in Sher-ul-Ajam» Shibli Nomani.

  5. Shibli Nomani . «Sher-ul-Ajam». 4th (Arrangement from the Arabic gaphic to the Cyrillic alphabet with a dictionary and comments ). Dushanbe, 2018.-309p.

  6. Shibli Nomani-persian poet. Dushanbe //Message from the Tajik National University. Philology Series. 2019. No. 4/4.207-213р

  7. Antology a valuable soursce of the Dushanbe //Message from the Tajik tecnological University. Philology Series. 2018. No. 1/1.114-118р.

  8. Methodical instructions (from the Tajik language for independent work) Dushanbe "DTT" 2019. 52 p.

  9. Instructional Guide (for curators of the academic groups). Dushanbe “DTT” 2019. 150 pages

  10. Eshonova M.A. The image of Sadriddin Aini in the poem "Eternal Light" by Mirzo Tursunzade / M.A. Eshonova // Materials of the scientific conference “The contribution of Ayni’s mouth in the formation of Tajik science and literature.” - Dushanbe, 2018.P. (in Tajik).

  11. The initiative of Shamsuddin Shahin in Gaza. Proceedings of the Technological University of Tajikistan, No. 2, 2018

  12. The contribution of women to the development of Tajik science. “Women's Contribution to the Development of Science” Materials of a scientific conference dedicated to Mother’s Day at BATE (02/13/2018).

  13. Reflection of national persons and personalities of Mirzo Tursunzade. Proceedings of the Technological University of Tajikistan, No. 2, 2018

  14. In the breadth of literature (collection of articles). Dushanbe: Knowledge. 2018. 340 c.

  15. Mirzoda Ishqi - poet and revolutionary poet // Message from Tajik National University. Journal of Science. Department of Philological Sciences, 2018. No. 8 part 1. S. 99-104.

  16. Side Right Side Tips For Sidebar and Alphabet Problems // Science and Society. Journal of Academic Science. 2019 No. 1 (14). Pp. 51-59.