Centre of computer and educational technologies

Structure of management
- sector of technical regulations and facilities information technologies.;
- laboratory program ensuring facilities in information technologies
- laboratory on assembling computers.
- laboratory for diagnostic and repair seal printing machines.
- mini printing house;
- network academy«CISCO»;
- centre of young programmists SoftLab;
- laboratory of network computer and technology;
- laboratory computer and program engineering.

Direction of activity
Activity of the computering centre and educational technologies directed on base position of department innovation educations and informational technologies on Informatization traning process, ensuring facilities on informational technologies and transferring new informational-comunicational technologies. For achieving given purpose was created: sector for diagnostics and repairing electronical technique or device, sector technical regulations and facilities informational technolies , which assisting for realization strategical aims CCET.
Tasks and Duties of the Centre
- ensuring facilities of informational technolies for all structured subdivisions of university.;
- systematical diagnostics facilities informational technologies.
- program ensuring for informational technologies
- learning and transferring new innovational technologies in the process of education;
- ensuring working condition of public network university and internet connection
- training organization and seminars for learning facilities of informational technologies and understanding technologies and new
- presentation the service of informational
- ensuring informational safety;
- organization and ensuring video observe in teritory of university;
- organizing and regulate short period courses of professional improvements;
-coordinating of activity on network academy CISCO at university with other structures.
- more than 37 auditoriums equiped with new multimedia equipment.
- building the Centre of young constructors «mechantronic and robottecnique» and centre of young programmists «SoftLab»;
- a realignment university web page on new modern;
- Making the division of preparation scholastic – television programs «TV-ТUТ»;
- an organization and conduct of activity of the centre of the remote information;
- making the model of electro wheecle «TOJVAR»
- an automation of the functioning of ancient device for recycling «Дуғкашак»;
- modeling and engeening of developed computer intelligent brunch «WORD»;
- an automation programme of acceptance exam on test;
- making the midel of computer «TUTcomp»;
- automated program on account and registration property at university;
- a reception the international certificate more tthan 100 students of local academy «CISCO» under technological university of tajikistan
Cooperation of the centre with tajik aof the users academic, exploratory and educational computer networks(TARENA)
CCEТ realizes their own cooperation with associaciety Tarena po two directions::
- an ensures the servicing the network internet , in which assotiation TARENA we give 25 Mb/with – velocity of of the exchange the information:
- preparation professional branches IKT, under employees CCET on seminar and training , conducted this assotiation , take the active participation and improve its professional skill.

The cooperation with republican centre information and communication technologies is realized in organization and undertaking seminars and trainings `on introduction new informational and communicational technologies undertaking different action on development information communication technology.

Centre has an efficient cooperation with above mentioned organizations in introduction scholastic remote technology, determination optimal ways of the organization united platform of remote education in republic Tajikistan and their coordinations with legistlations RT. And also for systematic correspondence of employee branches conduct trainings and opened lectures attraction foreign specialists the mentioned organizations transferring big contribution to activity IT-CLUB-BUT CCET ,systematically take the active participation on conference, debats and othe action

Within the framework of cooperation «EPOS»(Еuropean union) our centre realizes the complex of the educational services for increasing computer knowledge , medical education of the branches in the public health community.

Сooperation with nework academy CISCO On base of the realization cooperation with network Academician CISCO in 2012 in university is founded local AKADEMY CISCO. in present time 8 instructors after completion course Academies CISCO is awarded certificate and are mobilized for conduct occupation. The Gross amount graduate degree IT-Essentials consists more than 60 persons. In the real moment for reception of the International certificate degree IT-Essentials are engulfed 100 listeners and 10 listeners concern with for reception degree CCNA.
- an automation technological and production processes in laboratory on conversion of the food products;
- an organization- the development and introduction electronic government university;
of the laboratory of the «Telecommunications and telecommunications» and «Information safety»
- an organization «Greenbelt» for free access student to network Internet facility unwire relationship WI-FI on territory of the university;
- an organization mini printing houses in purpose of the provision of internal need of the scholastic process;
- an organization of the laboratory on automated system of the designing for student of the direction of technology of the food-stuffs and light industry;
- delivery of license software of the special purpose for subject laboratories;
- expansion of the system in/out-side video recordobserve ;
- organization pay course professional improvement for student and teachers;
- a development test models electronic information stand.


The Centre, actively participating in realization of the project HEICA, «Initiative of the higher education on informatics in Central Asia» on program TEMPUS (budgeted European commission), to account of the project created in the centre of the laboratory on professions «Computer and programme engineering». The Named laboratory is equipped by 20 computers ,by 1 server, 2-printers, 1 projector, 30- programmators, different network equipment and 78- textbook on professions, which create the student and teacher broad possibilities and favourable technical and technological conditions for realization innovational project.
The Project, in which at present actively participates CCET - INTERASIA– translation result studies European state branches information-communication technology of the correspondence to and use in Central Asia of the program FP7, (the budgeted European commission). Within the framework of realization of this project and to account of its financing in university will is organized show room «SHOUROM», equipped modern advertising-information .


Jafarov Ahror Saidolimovich

Head center of Computer Technologies


Теl:(+992) 917 22 33 15 





Muminov Amrullo Zaydulloevich

Chief Specialist (Head of CISCO Academy)


Теl:(+992) 985 45 10 02





Kayumova Halima

CAD engineer







Rezvonov Nekruz Salomatshoevich

Technician  - Systems Engineer


Теl:(+992) 93 940 76 96






Yusupov Jasur Tokhirovich

Leading Specialist (web-administrator)


Теl:(+992) 985 67 87 77







Tursunov Aziz

Senior Assistant 


Теl:(+992) 915 75 9090






Samadov Firdavs

Specialist (network administrator)








Samadov Firdavs

Specialist (network administrator)





Академияи шабакавии Cisco

Дар асоси ба роҳ мондани ҳамкориҳо бо Академияи шабакавии Cisco дар назди донишгоҳ моҳи майи соли 2012 Академияи маҳаллии Cisco таъсис дода шуд. Айни замон 12 нафар инструкторон баъд аз хатми курсҳои Академияи Cisco соҳиби Сертификатҳои байналмилалӣ гаштанд ва барои пеш бурдани машғулиятҳо сафарбар карда шудаанд. Шумораи умумии хатмкунандагони дараҷаи IT Essentials зиёда аз 120 нафарро ташкил медиҳад. Дар айни ҳол барои соҳиб гардидан ба Сертификатҳои байналмилалии дараҷаи IT Essentials зиёда аз 100 нафар шунавандагон ва 25 нафар шунавандагон барои дараҷаи CCNA ба машғулиятҳо фаро гирифта шудаанд. www.netacad.tut.tj ( – Курсҳои бархатии (онлайнии) Академияи шабакавии Cisco-и назди Донишгоҳи технологии Тоҷикистон


Collaboration with CISCO Networking Academy

Based on the implementation of cooperation with the CISCO Network Academy in 2012, the local CISCO Academy was founded at the university. Currently, 8 instructors after graduating from CISCO Academy courses have been awarded certificates and have been mobilized for conducting classes. The total number of graduates of the IT-Essentials degree is more than 100 people. Currently, 100 students are enrolled to receive the International Certificate of IT-Essentials Degree and 25 students are studying for the CCNA degree. Online courses at the Cisco Networking Academy at the Technological University of Tajikistan.