Head of the department of youth and sports affairs

Sahibnazarov Amirjan Shodievich

In 1990-1994, department of youth affairs was created in the structural unit of the university, which functioned as a student parliament.

After the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “About youth and state youth policy” in 2004, the university’s youth department was renamed into the department for youth affairs and student initiatives, on April 17, 2012, after decision in the Scientific council of the university, it was renamed into the department of youth affairs and shaping the image of the Technological University of Tajikistan. Since November 1, 2016 by the decision of the Scientific council of the University it was renamed into the department of youth and sports affairs. Today the head of the department is a young and promising specialist Sherov Makhmadali Nusratulloevich.

The activities of the department of youth and sports are aimed on implementing the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “About youth and state youth policy”, at the practical implementation of the program “search and support of talents” and the long-term plan of the University “The concept of competitiveness and innovative development of the Technological University of Tajikistan for the 2011-2020 years”.

The department of youth and sports affairs is one of the most important in the sector of higher education system in the field of state youth policy, since the political, economic and socio-cultural development of the state cannot be imagined without the active participation of young people.