The Department of Science and Implementation is one of the main structures of the university, responsible for enhancing the intellectual potential of the university, its branches and other structural divisions in terms of training scientific and pedagogical personnel, ensuring the effectiveness of post-graduate students, applicants and doctoral students (PhD) of departments, as well as stimulating protection PhD and doctoral dissertations in a timely manner.It develops the concept of creating technology parks, scientific laboratories and research activities in scientific areas and involving students and teachers in innovation, innovation and creativity, at the level of departments and faculties ensures the creation of creative self-knowledge circles. At the suggestion of the faculties, it organizes a technical, technological and production practice program on the basis of concluding cooperation agreements with industrial enterprises.

Since the foundation of the Higher Technological College of Light and Food Industry of Tajikistan (currently the Technological University of Tajikistan) the Department of Science and Implementation has been formed in its structure, the head of which is on the orders of the first rector P. Pulodov. in 1990, Ph.D., associate professor S.Kh. Nadzhmiddinov was appointed to the post of vice-rector for science and international relations. In 1992, Ph.D., Associate Professor Ashurov S.B. was appointed to the post of vice-rector on science and then to the post of vice-rector on academic affairs and scientific activities.In 1993-94 the university faculty already had scientific potential, which served as the basis for the publication of the first scientific journal “Bulletins of TUT”. In 1994, Ph.D., associate professor Shoev N.N. was appointed to the post of vice-rector on science, and in February 1994 there was an order from the rector to create and publish the first collection of scientific works of TUT – “Bulletins of the Technological University of Tajikistan”.This initiative was addressed to the development of science at the university. Now, teachers namely young specialists have the opportunity in this collection to publish scientific articles and contribute to the further development of the scientist’s career growth. From 1995 to 1997 the candidate of physics and mathematics Lee I. N. was appointed to the post of vice-rector on science. From 1997 to 1999 this post was headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor T. Usmonova.On November 1, 1999, a post-graduate department was opened at the university.During the period of functioning of the postgraduate department many young graduate students and applicants have been trained.From 2000 to 2009 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Azizov B.S. worked as Vice Rector on Science and International Relations.From 2009 to 2019 Candidate of Technical Sciences, acting Professor Khakimov G.K. was vice-rector for science and the introduction of TUT.Technological University of Tajikistan began accepting doctoral students in doctoral studies (PhD) in 7 directions and 10 specialties under the License of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2016. From February 2019 to the present, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A. Gafarov is a vice-rector on science and the introduction of TUT.



2019 year

  1. Abdulloev Umarjon Khabibulloevich March 16, 2019 in the Dissertation Council D999.020.02 at the National University of Tajikistan defended his thesis on “Formation and development of the regional building class” for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in (08.00.05 – Economics and Management).
  2. Khoshmukhamedova Parvina Sunatulloevna 03/30/2019 in the DС D999.031.03 at the Tajik State University of Commerce defended her thesis on “Labor mobility and its impact on the labor market (based on materials of the Republic of Tajikistan)” for the degree of candidate of economic sciences on (08.00.05 – economics and Management).
  3. Nazarov Shukhratjon Abdugulomovich 04/17/2019 in the DС D047.003.03 at the Institute of Chemistry named after V.I. Nikitina, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan defended his thesis on the subject “Physicochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy Al + 6% Li with Rare-Earth Metals (Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd)” for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in (02.00.04– physical chemistry ).
  4. Dosiev Makhmadshokh Nazarovich 04/20/2019 in the DС 6D KOA.020 at the Tajik State University of Commerce defended his thesis on “Features of the formation and development of environmental entrepreneurship” for the degree of candidate of economic sciences (08.00.05 – Economics and Management).

  5. Turaeva Gulnoz Normamatovna on April 30, 2019 in theDС 6D.COA.039 at the Technological University of Tajikistan defended her thesis on “The use of natural phenolic compounds as antioxidants in the technology of fat-containing food products” for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in (05.18.06 – Technology of fats , essential oils and perfumes and cosmetics).

  6. Safaraliev Maҳmadali Davlatalievich on April 30, 2019 in the DC 6D.COA.039 at the Technological University of Tajikistan defended his thesis on “Improving the technology and features of creating the optimal microclimate for storing potatoes (for the conditions of the Republic of Tajikistan)” for the degree of candidate of technical sciences (05.18. 01 – Technology for the processing, storage and processing of cereals, legumes, cereals, fruit and vegetable production and viticulture).

  7. Karamalishoev Karamalisho Nuralalishoevich on May 22, 2019 in the DC D737.004.02 at the National University of Tajikistan defended his thesis on “The contribution of academician B.I. Iskandarova in the study of the socio-economic and socio-political life of the Tajik people in the 19th and early 20th centuries. ”For the degree of candidate of historical sciences (07.00.02– domestic history).
  8. Kholikov Muzaffar Gafurovich – 06/01/2019 at DS 6D.COA-014 in the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shokhtemur defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences (08.00.05– Economics and Management).

  9. Murodova Shakhlo 06/21/2019 in the DS D999.117.03 in the Tajik National University defended his thesis on “Forming the competitiveness of future specialists in the application of cyclic technologies” for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in (13.00.08– theory and methodology of professional education).

  10. Mirzoeva Sokina Amirulloevna 07/02/2019 at the DС D999.116.03 in the Tajik State Pedagogical University defended his thesis on “Marina Tsvetaeva and Tajik literature” for the degree of candidate of philological sciences in (01.10.03 – literature of peoples of foreign countries).
  11. Bobiev Olimdzhon Gulomkodirovich September 17, 2019 in the 6D.KOA.039 at the Technological University of Tajikistan defended his thesis on “Physico-chemical characteristics of dyeing cotton fiber with some active dyes” for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in (05.19.02 – Technology and primary processing textile materials and raw materials).
  12. Jalilov Firuz Rajabalievich 09/17/2019 in the DC 6D.COA.039 at the Technological University of Tajikistan defended his thesis on “Development of the structure and technology for producing multilayer tissue of cellular structures” for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in (05.19.02 – Technology and primary processing of textile materials and raw materials).

  13. Alikulov Alisher Raimberdievich 09/26/2019 in the DC D999.020.02 at the Tajik National University defended his thesis on “Justification of the mechanism of formation and development of a regional banking cluster (based on materials from Central Tajikistan)” for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in (08.00.05– economics and management).

  14. Rashidova Dilrabokhon on 10.26.2019 in the DC 6D.COA-020 at the Tajik State University of Commerce defended his thesis on “Trends in the development of the market for educational services (based on materials of institutions of higher professional education of the Republic of Tajikistan)” for the degree of candidate of economic sciences (08.00. 05– Economics and Management).


  1. Sheraliev D.M. 01/18/2018 in the DC 6D.COA-005 at the A. Donish Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan defended his thesis on “The development of scenographic art in Tajikistan in the 30s-70s of the 20th century” for the degree of candidate of historical sciences sciences on (07.00.02– domestic history).

  2. Huboni Sorbon 03/29/2018 in the DC 6D.COA-020 at the Tajik State University of Commerce defended her thesis on “Formation and development of the restaurant services market in a market economy (in the example of the Republic of Tajikistan)” for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in (08.00 .05– Economics and Management).

  3. Khabibov A.G. 05/03/2018 in the DC D.999.020.02 at the Tajik National University defended his thesis on “The effectiveness of innovative and technological development of a regional food complex” for the degree of candidate of economic sciences (08.00.05– Economics and Management).

  4. Hakerov I.Z. 05/30/2019 in the DS 6D.COA-007 at the V.I. Institute of Chemistry Nikitina, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan defended his thesis on “Technological fundamentals of the mechanochemical synthesis of boron and aluminum hydrides of rare-earth metals of the ittium subgroup and their thermodynamic properties” for the degree of candidate of technical sciences (05.17.02 – technology of rare, dispersed and radioactive elements).
  5. Abdulloeva Maksudahon September 18, 2018 in the DC 6D.COA.039 at the Technological University of Tajikistan defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences (05.18.01 – Technology for the processing, storage and processing of cereals, legumes, cereals, cereals, fruits and vegetables and viticulture) .

  6. Mukhiddinova Dzhonaona Zayniddinovna 09/29/2018 in the DC 6D.COA-020 at the Tajik State University of Commerce defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences (08.00.05 – Economics and Management).

  7. Aidarmamadov Alisher Gulomalievich October 24, 2018 in the DC 6D.COA-012 at the Tajik National University defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (01.01.01– complex and functional analysis).

  8. Azimova Madina Turdievna 01.12.2018 in the DC 6D.COA-020 at the Tajik State University of Commerce defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences (08.00.05 – Economics and Management).

  9. Odinaeva Odinamo Zubaidovna 01.12.2018 in the DC 6D.COA-036 at the A. Jom Institute of Education Development of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in (13.00.01 – general pedagogy).



on inventions of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation


1. Mirzoev G.Kh., Madaliev A., Kokulov P. et al. “A method for producing multicomponent aromatic coffee”. Small patent TJ 967;

2. Yaminova ZA, Ishmatov AB, Ikromi MB, Dzhuraev O. “Dyeing of composite materials when applying a sericin solution” Small patent TJ 1020;

3. Nabiev A.G., Ishmatov A.B., Khakimova Z.G. Healing socks. Small patent TJ 1021;

4. Kalilov F.R., Ishmatov A.B. Method for the production of multilayer tissue cellular structure. TJ 1019.



1. Yaminova Z.A., Ishmatov A. B., Khakimov G.K. A method of obtaining a powder of sericin from silk waste. Eurasian patent No. 029384 Russian Federation, IPC D06M23 / 00 (2006.01); / Bull. No. 3. Date of issue: March 30, 2018.

2. Mirzoyev G. Kh., Derevenko VV, Novozhenova AD. A method for producing melon oil and oilcake. No. 2649022 dated 29.03.2018.

3. Khakimov G.K., Mirzoev G.Kh., Madaliev A.M. The device is a high-performance production of fruit juices. Small Patent No.TJ 895.

4. Ibroimov Kh. I., Soibov Ҳ. S., Ibroimzoda I., Kurbonov B. D. Stable drying with a regulating mechanism. Small patent. No.TJ 893 az 04/05/2018c.

5. Ikromi M.B., Mirzoraҳimov K.K., Sharipova M.B., Gulbekova N.B., Turaeva G.N. The method of obtaining yellow from licorice root. Small patent No. 898.

6. Ibroimov Kh.I., Ruziboev Ҳ.G. etc. Heat exchanger. Small Patent No.TJ 956.



1. Amonzoda I.T. A method of obtaining a corrosion-resistant aluminum-iron alloys. TJ 840 2017.

2. Yaminova Z. A., Ishmatov A.B. A dressing of carboxylmethyl cellulose and an extract of sericin obtained from silk waste. Eurasian patent No. 023784 Russian Federation, IPC D06M23 / 00 (2006.01); / Bull. No. 7. Date of issue 11/30/2017

3. Ishmatov A.B., Khakimova Z.G. Skullcap. TJ 837. 2017.


Laureates of the State Awards in Science and Technology of the Republic of Tajikistan

  1. 2001 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Azizov B.S.
  2. 2013 – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Usmonov Z.J.

Laureate of the Presidential Award in the field of education

  1. 2008 – candidate of technical sciences, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Shoev N.N.


Laureates of the Academy of Sciences of the RT Academy of Sciences named after academician S. Umarov1.

  1. 2012 – Ph.D., associate professor A. Khushmatov2. 2016 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ibrogimov H.I.


Laureates of the State Awards for Young Scientists named after I. Somoni

1. 2012– candidate of Physics of Mathematical – Akobirshoev M.O.

2.2013 – candidate of  biological Sciences – Rakhimova F.A.

3.2016 – candidate of  chemnical Sciences – Sharipova Sh.B.

4.2017 – candidate of  technical Sciences – Mirzozoda G.Kh.

5.2019 – candidate of  technical Sciences –  Yaminzoda Z.A.



1/ In 2012, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ishmatov A.B. 


In 2015 – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Khakimov G.K., candidate of chemical sciences, Associate Professor Ikromi M.B.,- Art. teacher Khabibov A.Kh. and Nimatov I.Kh.


Yaminova Zarrina – Diploma of the 1st degree.

Nazarov Shuҳrat – Diploma of the 3rd degree.

Rahmatov Isfandier – Certificate.

Mirzozoda G.Kh-  Diploma of the 1st degree.



Yaminova Zarrina Akramovna – “KIWIE-2016”, Silver Medal.

Sharipova Mavzuna Bahriddinovna – “KIWIE-2019” Bronze

Medal.Mehrinigori Bulbulnazar – “KIWIE-2019” Bronze Medal.



Ibrogimov Kholnazar Islomovich – WIPO -2019 Medal from the World Intellectual Property Organization as the best inventor of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Yaminova Zarrina Akramovna – V. Blinnikov Gold Medal from the Eurasian Patent Organization for the contribution of inventive activity.



1. Sharipova M.B., Turaeva G.N. Development of prototypes of vegetable oil using natural antioxidants from extracts of field mint, purple basil and lemon balm.  “ATO”  Dushanbe.

2. Turaeva G.N. The results of the thesis on the topic “The use of natural phenolic compounds as antioxidants in the technology of fat-containing food products” in the learning process. TUT.

3. Bobiev O. G. Method for the quantitative determination of active dyes. “Nassochi Tochik”

4. Bobiev O.G. Method for the quantitative determination of active dyes. LLC “Vahdat-textile”  Yavan.

5. Jalilov F.R. Development of the structure and technology for the production of multilayer tissues of cellular structures.  “Nassochi Tochik”

6. Jalilov F.R. Development of the structure and technology for the production of multilayer tissues of cellular structures. “Educational and methodological center for the reform of housing and communal services”



  1. Khabibov A.Kh. and others Efficiency of innovative and technological development of a regional bird sub-complex. / Dushanbe: 2019. – 174 p.
  2. Khushmatov A.T. Local bentonites in the technology of winemaking in Tajikistan. – Dushanbe, Donish. 2019 – 98 p.
  3. Gaforov F.M. Fundamentals of managing the development of the investment potential of the region. / Dushanbe. Irfon. 2019 .- 128 p. ISBN 978-99975-1-006-8.

  4. Shobekov M. Accounting, analysis and audit in the era of the digital economy in the post-Soviet space: innovative development prospects. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. LLC “Piltan”. Moscow 2018.268s.

  5. Ниёзбоқиев С.Қ. Педагогические условия формирования инновационного мышления у студентов инженерно-технологического профиля в условиях реализации кредитной технологии обучения в вузе. Душанбе. – 2019. С.144.



  1. Rakhimov R.K. and others Study of the dynamics and structure of value added in the context of innovative development of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan / AN RT Institute of Economics and Demography. – Dushanbe: Donish, 2017 .– 240 p.

  2. Boboev H. From the history of astronomical thought of the Tajik people / Boboev H. – Olmon: LAMBERT (Academic Publishing), ISSN: 978-613-8-34407-0; LBC 22.1 g + 22.3 + 51.1. 2018 .– 196 p.

  3. Hakimov Ғ. Қ. and others. Vocational Teacher Education in Central Asia. Developing Skills and Facilitating Success ISSN 1871-3041 ISSN 2213-221X, Issues, Concerns and Prospects ISBN 978-3-319-73092-9 ISBN 978-3-319-73093-6, Library of Congress Control Number: 2018933041. SPRINGER. Germany, – 217р.

  4. Musinov A.S. Development of a mechanism for the coordinated use of water and energy resources of transboundary rivers. Monograph. TNU. Dushanbe .: “SINO”, 2018. – 210 p.

  5. Makhmadaliev H.P. Comparative analysis of adjective phrases in Tajik and Russian. Irfon. 2018, Dushanbe. 90 р.

  6. Shobekov M. Accounting, analysis and audit in the era of the digital economy in the post-Soviet space: innovative development prospects. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. LLC “Piltan”. Moscow 2018. 268р.

  7. Yaminova Z.A., Ishmatov A.B. The use of silk waste in weaving. Ed. “Promexpo” va LAP “Lambert”. Dushanbe and Germany 2018.// 167р.

  8. Amonzoda I.T. and others. Physicochemistry of aluminum alloy АЖ 2.18 with lithium, beryllium and magnesium. – Dushanbe, Shubai tabu nashri DTT. 2018.-146s. UDC 669.77: 621



  1. Usmanov Z.D. Modeling the intrinsic time of a process (monograph). LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017, project 165316, 2017.110 p.

  2. Ismoilova M.A., Raimova M.M. and others. “The processes of formation of iron hydrocomplexes in various environments.” Berlin. Publishing House: LAMBERT, Academic Publishing. 2017.-139p.

  3. Vosie K.V. The goal of unity and independence. Dushanbe “Irfon” – 2017. 780p.
  4. Gafarov F.M. Komilov S. Investment potential of the region: formation theory and development paths. Dushanbe. Publisher: Irfon, 2017.-215p.

  5. Sharifov I.U. Anthropological philosophy of Azizuddin Nasaf. Dushanbe, “Kaygon” .- 2017. 180 p.

  6. Yusupova Z.R. Actual division of the sentence in different system languages ​​(based on Russian and Tajik languages). Dushanbe, 2017.150 p.

  7. Bobodzhonov R.M., Khoshmukhamedova P.S. and others. “The Possibility and Necessity of Diversifying Migration Flows from Tajikistan (Results of a Socio-Economic Study)” // Monographs muallifon / UDC 331.5: 334.90 BBC 65.497.9-723- ISBN 978-99975-46-72-2 – Dushanbe: “Navo” / Shokhin LLC .- 2017, 172p.