On April 23-24, 2021 in the hall of the Academic Council of the University on the implementation of the accelerated industrialization of the country as the fourth goal of the national strategy, was held republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Implementation of the accelerated industrialization of the Republic of Tajikistan as the fourth goal of the national strategy: problems and solutions.”
The first Deputy, Vice-Rector on Academic Affairs and Education Quality Management Toshmatov M.N. welcomed the visitors and guests, teachers, scientists and researchers to participate in the conference, noting that today our country is at the stage of accelerated industrialization of the Republic of Tajikistan as the fourth goal of the national strategy. The conference, the speeches of the university scientists should give impetus to the realization of this goal. At the end of his speech, Toshmatov M.N. wished success in the work of the conference.
Further, the head of the Department of Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ruzizoda A., spoke about problems that exist in the conditions of the rapid industrialization of the country, and wished success in the work of the scientific conference.
In accordance with the conference program, 5 interesting scientific reports were presented at the plenary session:
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Acting, Professor Toshmatov M.N. on the topic “Accumulation and investment in the conditions of accelerated industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan”;
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Dzhumabaev Kh.K. on the topic “Directions for improving the tax system of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern conditions”;
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Acting, Professor M. Ikromi on the topic “Natural phenolic compounds in food production technology”;
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Yusupov M.Ch. on the topic “Mathematical models for assessing the impact of climate change on agriculture”;
Ph.D. Jalilova F.R. on the topic “Production and use of multilayer fabrics with a beaded structure”.
All presentation scientific reports were discussed by the conference participants.
In the afternoon of April 23 and in the first half of April 24, 2021, the republican scientific and practical conference continued its work on the compiled program in the following sections:
Section 1. Accelerated industrialization of the country and development of the food industry.
Section 2. Improvement of technological processes in light industry in the implementation of the State program of forced industrialization of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Section 3. Implementation of information technologies at industrial enterprises.
Section 4. Accelerated industrialization – the basis for economic and social development of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Section 5. The place of the humanities in the implementation of the accelerated industrialization of the Republic of Tajikistan.
After the end of the work of the sections of the scientific and practical conference, in the afternoon of April 24, 2021, the chairmen of the sections announced their final reports, at the end of which the wishes and recommendations of the conference participants were proposed.